Saturday was Chase's 17th birthday. We had a great time. Below is Chase holding Destiny. It was the first time we had seen her because she was born with some lung problems. She is my brother's granddaughter.
Tristen wanted to hold her so bad. Then Trevor had to climb up there and Nan thought it would be a good photo op with the four kids.
Chase looks real comfortable here. He'll be a good dad one day.
Corey, Nicole, Tristen, and Trevor
Corey Nicole and Trevor
Chase getting ready to open presents.
Nicole and Trevor
Chase's ice cream cake.
Well this was a surprise of Nan's and Chase and Tristen both got a kick of out it. How many boxes were wrapped inside the big one til he got to the money?
Chase got a new mouthpiece for his baratone. He was showing Tristen what it was for.
Corey gave Chase a bunch of old patches from scouting. Chase loved them.
Hope your birthday was all you wanted it to be. Loved all the boxes on that last gift. Guess you never expected something like that out of an old person. :) Love you all.
I am married to Corey Shields since November 13, 1976. I have three wonderful sons.
Corey II is married to a wonderful lady, Nicole and they have two sons, Tristen and Trevor. They live in Bloomington now.
Coby is married to a wonderful gal, Lindsey, and they live in Kansas. They have a large lapapoodle named Sarge.
Chase is in college at IUPUI and Animators Mentors. He is engaged to a great gal, Jessica Heini
Hope your birthday was all you wanted it to be. Loved all the boxes on that last gift. Guess you never expected something like that out of an old person. :) Love you all.
Wow!!! How fast they grow up!
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